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Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of Ontario

Registration is a three step process.
First step , you need to select single($315/person) or double($257.50/person) occupancy for accommodations. It can be found right above the buy now button.
This amount covers 2 nights, 2 breakfast,2 lunches, 1 dinner, snacks, and taxes. Please note: every individual has to go through their own registration process. You will have a chance to recommend a roommate.
Second, by clicking the "Buy Now" button below you will be brought to a secure website so you can pay for your registration. You can pay via credit card, debit card, or paypal account.
Last step, once your payment has been processed, you'll be sent back to us to complete your registration. It may take a minute for Paypal to process and redirect you to the registration form. We ask for your patience during that time. Please do not leave the registration process until you have completed all three steps.
Start now by clicking selecting your accommodations and clicking on the "buy now" below

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